Carrier Community Talks

Transport Assignment No-Touch Order: Six benefits for carriers

12/04/2023 | 4 min

Transport assignment and execution just got a whole lot faster and easier thanks to Transporeon’s digital suite of solutions. Read on to find out how Transport Assignment No-Touch Order is paving the way to a brighter future for carriers.

Transportation markets are volatile, throwing new and unexpected challenges at time-pressured transport managers every day. Faced with these tensions, carriers need to know they can adapt and scale time and time again to meet the ever-evolving demands of their customer shippers. Efficient and cost-effective transport assignment success therefore depends upon confident, quick-reaction flexibility – as a carrier, imagine if you had a suite of easy-to-implement, easy-to-use digital tools that enable you to save valuable time while at the same time ensuring resilient, reliable and repeatable execution of the assignments allocated to you by your customers.

Transporeon’s suite of three transport assignment tools is designed to do just that, giving you the adaptability and confidence to execute A-grade processes across the spectrum, optimising both your spot and contract opportunities and performance, as well as minimising empty runs. Digital freight management reduces costs by up to 19% and manual effort by 30%.

Transport Assignment No-Touch Order is an important piece in the jigsaw. It is an automated freight execution tool which enables cost-effective, time-efficient management and execution of contracted shipments between partners on a single platform. By automatically transferring fully detailed transport orders to a specific carrier, it brings notable benefits to all parties.

Let’s look at some of those benefits to carriers.


Carrier benefit 1: beat market volatility and inefficient empty runs via targeted use of freight space 

Transport Assignment No-Touch Order is a powerful weapon in the industry’s constant battle against market uncertainty. Fuel and running costs are rising, meanwhile it is harder and more expensive to source and retain drivers. Given those constraints, it is a key challenge for all carriers not only to source loads for the business, but then to ensure that the cargo holds across the fleet are then used as efficiently as possible in the execution of the shipment – it goes without saying that all carriers want to avoid ‘empty runs’ wherever possible. 

Transport Assignment No-Touch Order deploys AI and real-time prediction models to determine free capacities and calculate the likely number of spot market offers, giving you more business opportunities and more chances to increase empty or partial loads. 


Carrier benefit 2: more proactive customers 

Without market transparency, it is a difficult and time-consuming task for shippers to identify the most appropriate carrier with the best available capacities. With estimates that up to 90% of transports are still handled by phone and fax, coordination and communication are dated, complex and time-consuming. 

Transport Assignment No-Touch Order provides essential transparency that frees up time, saves costs and boosts opportunities for carriers.  

And the exciting news is that shippers are seeking out those carriers. 

Viktor Wratschko is Managing Partner of Austria-based Europe-wide bulk goods carrier, Eurotransline, which uses the tool on a daily basis. He reveals that the company actually first heard about the speed, efficiency and reliability of No-Touch Order directly from its shipper customers. “Our customers actively approached us in cooperation with Transporeon and informed us that there were several options available in the form of Transport Assignment No-Touch Order.” 


Carrier benefit 3: seamless order management 

The administration, phone calls and paperwork traditionally associated with order management are a thing of the past, thanks to Transport Assignment No-Touch Order. That’s because the fully automated tool does it all for you faster than before, saving time, money and administrative effort for your dispatch team. 

Transports are allocated automatically to the most appropriate carrier at the agreed rates and surcharges and according to agreed specified criteria, such as, for instance, vehicle type or route plan. This can include automatic assignment of partial deliveries allocated to a range of carriers. 


Carrier benefit 4: no-fear, no-fuss integration 

No carrier needs to fear disruption to systems, processes or operations when implementing Transport Assignment No-Touch Order, because the Transporeon platform integrates seamlessly with in-house ERP systems.  

Viktor agrees: “Definitely. It saves a lot of time and is always very effective and trouble-free. That is important because it enables us to concentrate on our core business of handling and providing logistics. The order taking and recording process saves a lot of time.” 


Carrier benefit 5: better customer relationships mean more order volumes 

Shipper customers generally prefer to work with partners who can function alongside them and in partnership using a shared platform where possible. That means advantages and benefits for carriers who are signed up to Transport Assignment No-Touch Order. 

In these circumstances customers are taking the initiative in seeking and finding the best carriers for their needs. The good news for those carriers is that order volumes will naturally increase. Extra workload is either minimal or non-existent because communications and processes are both quickened and streamlined thanks to transparency. 


Carrier benefit 6: pole position in the race to digital 

The trend towards digitisation and automation in the transportation sector is now well under way. Any shipper partner or carrier that attempts to ignore this trend is likely to be left behind sooner rather than later. 

For these reasons, Viktor Wratschko suggests that Transport Assignment No-Touch Order has an important role to play in the digital future of Eurotransline. “The platform gives us more opportunities to take advantage of digitisation, so this integration is important for the future.” 

Congratulations on completing this longer read! If, by now, you’re enthusiastic to reap the benefits of No-Touch Order for yourself, we are certainly ready to help. Get in touch today for full support and kick-start your super seamless integration.

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Look out for Episode 2 about Market Insights on our Carrier Community Talks page, coming on and featuring.

Winning business with Transport Assignment (No-Touch Order)

Viktor Wratschko, Managing Partner at Eurotransline, shares his inside knowledge on using Transport Assignment, spotlighting No-Touch Order, a seamless way to execute contracted Freight, to enhance business prospects. Since business began for Eurotransline, Transporeon has been its first choice for innovative solutions. In this episode, we look at the past, present and future in the context of the strategic importance of technology like No-Touch Order and its role in sustaining business.


Benefits for your business


Fully Automated

Fully Automated
  • Assign and manage contracted shipments with just one click.
  • Save time and costs by reducing manual coordination efforts.


Intuitive Freight Management Interface

Intuitive Freight Management Interface
  • Receive contracted transport orders from multiple shippers in one interface.
  • Manage and execute them with just one click.


Fewer Empty Runs

Fewer Empty Runs
  • More return loads through optimised processes, increased transparency and simplified communication.


Save Time

Save Time
  • Digital and standardized freight management allocation significantly reduces manual efforts.