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Do you want to stay ahead of the curve and make sense of changing market dynamics? Look no further!

Do you want to stay ahead of the curve and make sense of changing market dynamics? Look no further!

Our Market Update Webinar: Navigating Road, Ocean and Air Freight Markets will equip you with valuable insights into current market challenges across road, ocean and air transport. 


Watch and learn as our industry experts leverage the latest data from Transporeon to ensure you are well-informed on the key trends and shifts affecting transportation. 


But that's not all! We were thrilled that Mark Gibson, Manager FAP and Pricing Management at NCR Corporation, also joined us for an insightful discussion on the developments and impact of the current market situation. 


The market waits for no-one! Watch this webinar now to stay informed and learn how to adapt and thrive in today's ever-changing business landscape.

Five reasons why your business needs to join the automation revolution

Five reasons why your business needs to join the automation revolution

Rynek transakcji spotowych zawsze był pełen wyzwań. Zakłócenia w łańcuchu dostaw, fragmentacja rynku i niepewność cenowa przyczyniają się do złożonego, zmiennego rynku zdominowanego przez manualne czynności i czasochłonne procesy zamówień.

Przeczytaj i odkryj:

  • Jak zwiększyć produktywność o 20% 

  • Jak sprawić, aby średni czas dopasowania wynosił od jednej do dwóch godzin 

  • Jak zredukować koszty średnio o 8-12%

From Gut Feelings to Data-Driven Decision Making: How to Unlock New Value in Transportation Management

From Gut Feelings to Data-Driven Decision Making: How to Unlock New Value in Transportation Management

Nasz raport przedstawia i ocenia niezliczone korzyści płynące z wykorzystywania pełnego potencjału danych. Dowiedz się, jak:


  • Wykorzystać analizę rynku, aby zaoszczędzić czas i pieniądze

  • Użyć audytu przewozów towarowych jako źródła praktycznych danych i informacji o transporcie

  • Zwiększyć wartość opartych na sieci platform do zarządzania transportem poprzez automatyzację

Network Horizon Report 2022: 7 key discoveries from carriers

Network Horizon Report 2022: 7 key discoveries from carriers

Raport podsumowuje wyniki naszego badania Global Carrier Survey 2022. Skorzystaj z niego, aby:


  • Przetestować bieżące strategie dzięki pogłębionemu zrozumieniu ogólnej sytuacji w branży logistycznej w oparciu o wiodące na rynku dane logistyczne i zaufane spostrzeżenia

  • Na podstawie nowych spostrzeżeń reprezentujących nastroje w całej branży, poczynić postępy w kierunku stabilizacji relacji z załadowcami, pomimo dużej presji spowodowanej niedoborami w łańcuchu dostaw i cenami energii

Transportation Pulse Report 2023

Transportation Pulse Report 2023

Witamy w erze platformy.


Wypełnienie luki między transportem, jaki znamy dziś, a transportem jutra: uzyskaj wgląd w trendy transformacyjne, korzyści płynące ze ściślejszej współpracy i nowe rozwiązania platformowe.


Trzecie wydanie naszego corocznego Pulse Report, którego autorem jest Adrian Gonzalez, założyciel Talking Logistics i prezes Adelante SCM, opiera się na opiniach i doświadczeniach liderów branży z całego świata.

Powered by the Network

Powered by the Network

Matching freight demand with capacity is becoming increasingly challenging, especially in today’s volatile environment. Carriers are rejecting up to a quarter of all contract loads, forcing more Shippers into the spot market. The solution to this imbalance is an investment in network-based transport management systems. New technologies make automated freight-matching possible for both Shippers and Carriers at a whole new scale.

This original report includes survey responses from industry insiders and expert analysis from Adrian Gonzalez, President of Adelante SCM. 


Market Update: One Platform for All Modes 

Transporeon’s single platform provides an unmatched, mode-by-mode picture of the transportation sector. Our unique ‘Market Update’ webinars, backed up by simple graphs and visuals, make essential viewing and reading for shippers, carriers and industry stakeholders.


Sea Level: the ocean blog

Every month we provide you with critical updates on Global Ocean Freight, sourced from our own Market Intelligence solution, including expert analysis from our freight specialists.


Freight sourcing automation and smart assignment powered by AI

One new opportunity is AI-powered sourcing automation, or autonomous procurement.

“There’s a reciprocal relationship between big data and AI,” explains Ken Casey in an October 2019 article in The Enterprisers Project. “The latter depends heavily on the former for success, while also helping organizations unlock the potential in their data stores in ways that were previously cumbersome or impossible.”


Artificial intelligence applied to transportation

A dominant theme of the coming two decades is the arrival of artificial intelligence (AI) into the workplace, including in the data intensive area of logistics. Unlike earlier trends that were enabling staff to do more, AI has the potential and the complexity that it raises two major questions for logistics leaders: Where will we find the talent to deploy AI, and to what degree will AI’s ability to handle activities that we pay workers to do revise our ideal workforce? The rest of the article provides one avenue to assessing where to place AI within a logistics operation, using procurement as an example, and how to estimate the change in roles it offers to the staff around it.


Data Driven Decision Making: Autonomous Procurement with Nestle

Learn how and why it’s time to build the business case for Autonomous Procurement with insights to help you weigh up the benefits of choosing AI-powered transportation technology. Powered by original survey data, find out what carriers and shippers think about the transportation process — and what’s going to happen in the future.


AB InBev Brews Up Spot Freight Savings with Transporeon Autonomous Procurement

ABInBev chose to rewrite its own history when faced with new levels of volatility resulting from the global pandemic. After a 45 day pilot proved double-digit savings were possible on spot buying, the multinational drink and brewing company was more than ready to embrace a change. Now, Anheuser-Busch is one of the best spot buyers in the freight market.

Anheuser-Busch (AB InBev)
Largest spot buyer in the world swaps best-in-class proprietary process for Transporeon Autonomous Procurement.
of millions of financial impact.
Double digit
savings in a highly volatile freight market.
reduction in FTE requirement.
direct reduction on spot rates.


How to become a Shipper of Choice: Rate Structure

How to become a Shipper of Choice: Rate Structure

Otrzymanie jak największej liczby dobrej jakości stawek jest jednym z najważniejszych wyników przetargu. Ale jak to osiągnąć?


  • Zachowaj prostotę 

  • Użyj efektywnej struktury stawek 

  • Optymalizuj swoją strategię przetargową 

  • Zachowaj elastyczność w procesie składania ofert

How to become a Shipper of Choice: Documentation

How to become a Shipper of Choice: Documentation

To navigate these challenging times, shippers need to adopt a strategic tendering approach. And a good tender starts with good documentation. What does a good tender document look like?


  • Clear, accurate information

  • High-quality data

  • Carefully structured

  • Succinct and to the point

How to become a Shipper of Choice: Fuel Floater

How to become a Shipper of Choice: Fuel Floater

Implementing a widely accepted and well-understood fuel floater for your main carrier base is crucial. Use our checklist to minimise risks, avoid frequent price renegotiations, and secure your contracted carriers.


  • Choose the right floater model for each transport mode 
  • Ensure your fuel model is accepted by every carrier  
  • Regularly evaluate your pricing strategy 
  • Always use a readily accepted fuel source 

How to become a Shipper of Choice: Communication

How to become a Shipper of Choice: Communication

Becoming a valued shipper all starts with great communication. We’ve put together a simple guide, with the steps you need to take to foster strong relationships with your carriers and ensure smooth operations.


  • Communicate throughout the tender process 

  • Find the communication methods that best suit both parties 

  • Implement a communication matrix 

  • Schedule regular reviews about the communication matrix 

Want more insights? Get in touch with us:

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