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Are you ready for the Greening
Freight Package live webinar? 

Claim your spot at the front of the virtual queue for this unmissable two-part event following the launch of the Greening Freight Transport Package.

  • Nadchodzące
  • Nagrania

Lead the movement towards net zero freight transport

Are you Fit for 55?

Are you Fit for 55?

Plan Unii Europejskiej zakładający zmniejszenie emisji CO2 o co najmniej 55% do 2030 roku ma wejść w życie w 2023 roku. Ten ambitny cel - część Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu - wymaga zarówno strategicznych, jak i technicznych zmian w organizacjach zajmujących się transportem i logistyką.


Zaplanuj z wyprzedzeniem i określ, które narzędzia pomogą Ci zmierzyć i zmniejszyć emisję CO2 . Dołącz do społeczności Carbon Intelligence Mastermind, aby pobrać listę kontrolną.

Decarbonizing Freight 2022

Decarbonizing Freight 2022

Uzyskaj świeży wgląd w:


  • Zmiany podejścia do zrównoważonego rozwoju ze strony firm odpowiedzialnych za emisje w zakresie 1

  • Preferowane alternatywy dla paliw kopalnych - i analiza sposobu dokonywania tych wyborów

  • Perspektywy pionierów w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju dotyczące sposobów dekarbonizacji przewozów towarowych i osiągnięcia celów

Droga do Net Zero

Droga do Net Zero

Unia Europejska postawiła sobie za cel osiągnięcie neutralności klimatycznej do 2050 roku. Obecnie drogowy transport towarowy odpowiada za 20% wszystkich emisji CO2 pochodzących z transportu w Europie i wciąż rośnie.


Ten szczegółowy raport jest wynikiem wywiadów ekspertów z liderami łańcucha dostaw, którzy dzielą się swoimi poglądami na temat tego, w jaki sposób możemy osiągnąć cel UE do 2050 r., a także koncentrują się na natychmiastowych krokach na dziś i jutro.


CO2 Emissions: collaborate to calculate

Over the course of the coming months, Transporeon will host and curate Carbon Intelligence Mastermind, a global community focused on helping the transport sector meet the challenges of reaching Net Zero. We’ll be doing a lot more than kicking the tires – Carbon Intelligence Mastermind is about carrying out a full service and overhauling your organization’s emissions strategy.


Carbon Intelligence Mastermind – a new movement for leaders in sustainability

In October 2022, we introduced Carbon Intelligence Mastermind. This initiative represents a new approach for transportation professionals who are looking to navigate the sustainability landscape. The ‘Mastermind’, as we fondly refer to it, is a dynamic community coupled with an empowering knowledge base. Being part of the community includes access to regular events featuring industry experts – opportunities to come together and exchange insights in order to define best practices on how we can advance carbon emissions management in transportation.


Building an ecosystem to optimize and digitize the supply chain for sustainable mobility

Sustainability is hugely important to the logistics industry. Transport accounts for around 20% of global carbon dioxide emissions, while a report from the international organization Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC) says truck transports specifically account for one-quarter of global transport energy use. 

Carbon Intelligence Mastermind

A new movement for sustainability leaders

Join our brand-new community of sustainability, transportation, and supply chain experts at the forefront of green logistics, and discover the resources that will help you to measure, manage and reduce your carbon footprint in the most efficient and transparent way across the entire supply chain, including all transport modes and flows.

Logistics Sustainability Month #GreenerLogistics

In March 2022, we delivered another unmissable virtual programme of events packed with game-changing sustainability initiatives. Following a super successful debut event back in 2021, even more of the industry attended this year to benefit from front row access as our customers, partners and colleagues unveiled the latest sustainability innovations in logistics.

  • Nadchodzące
  • Nagrania

You can’t manage what you can’t measure

Up-and-coming regulations imposed by the EU signify a need for certified, accurate emissions calculations. To get ahead of the curve and build on existing work to measure emissions, Girteka and Ikea participated in a trial using Transporeon’s Carbon Visibility tool to test how data quality would impact overall emissions reporting. Results showed that the higher the quality of your data, the more accurate your emissions reporting will be – and when you report less, you pay less.

IKEA & Girteka
When opting to use more detailed data to calculate emissions, businesses open the door to accurate emissions figures, improved emissions transparency and cost savings.
number of tracked transports (Full Truck Loads).
average well-to-wheel emissions.
CO2 emissions for multimodal transports.

Want more insights? Get in touch with us: